Friday, October 4, 2013

Steampunk Extra Credit / Makeup Work

If you would like to makeup missing points or earn some extra credit then you can do the following:

  • Watch or read or experience some kind of Steampunk form of media. It could be a web series, book, movie, TV show, video game, etc.
  • Then, comment below and write the answers to the following:
    • What media thing did you choose to experience for this assignment
    • Describe it to us in a paragraph so we get its plot / gameplay / essence / whatever.
    • What Steampunk elements were present? Was it really as Steampunk-y as you thought it would be? Was it actually more Dieselpunk or Cyberpunk (or Atompunk or Biopunk, etc.)?
    • Were the characters and themes substantial or was it just about the sensation of the cool Steampunk elements?
    • What ideas did you get from this thing that you want to incorporate in your own Steampunk script?
    • What else are you dying to tell us about it?

1 comment:

  1. Angell Chandler
    Because I could not get my hands a hold of City of Lost Children, I decided to watch Castle in the sky.
    From the very beginning I felt that it was a strong steampunk fantasy, and my favorite part happened to be the sky pirates. The idea of the ships in the sky, and all of the cool gadgets that they have are very interesting. Not to mention my favorite part of the whole movie was how the castle was staying in the sky, and the different robots that it had protecting it. The characters fit really well into the script, and I am just excited to think about possibly adding a sky pirate into my script, but we will see!
