Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Gunless: A Canadian Western that Knows it's a Canadian Western (EXTRA CREDIT)

Gunless (2010)

Is almost an old timey western with all the elements of the genre - a lone gunman who has a dark and less than perfect past wanders into a small town, and even though he's running from his past, he needs to use his skills as a gunman one more time to defend the innocent people of the town from bad dudes.

We've seen this plot a bagillion times... but, that's not all that's going on here, because this movie also happens to be Canadian, set in Canada, made by Canadians, funded by Canada; a movie that celebrates Canada while making fun of and laughing at itself.

It is a movie that understands the western genre it is, one made by filmmakers you can tell love American Westerns; but it is still unique in its Canadian-ness.  One that is as proud to be Canadian as it is proud to be a Western.  I love this blend, this slant on a classic genre.

I completely enjoyed this film.  The question of the day is, did you?

Answer these questions about Gunless, and remember to be thoughtful in your answers:
  • What, in your opinion, was the main message of the movie?
  • Did you like the movie?  Why or why not?
  • Remember the four points the National Film Board likes covered.  Which one, or ones, did this movie fulfill?
    • Preserve Canadian Culture.
    • Promote a Social Cause.
    • Educate.
    • Promote Tourism.

Have a good day, eh!


  1. Lily
    I think one of the main themes here was to not hold grudges, or to move on from bad habits. And yes, I did like this film. Everything that Will said about it, being that slight Canadian twist to a classic western made it into a fish-out-of-water comedy. I particularly liked how the tension between Shawn (Sean?) and Jack's was resolved.

    I could see the argument to this preserving Canadian culture, showing how polite, homely, and anti-violent Canada traditionally is through the way that the townsfolk interacted with Shawn.

  2. Maddi
    I think the main message of this movie was people change and that your not your past. I really like this movie because it was nice to see a twist on a western. I could not stop laughing! I think this movie preserved Canadian culture because it was just stereotypical Canadians. I could also see it promoting tourism because it was filmed in Canada and it is made by Canadians ect.
