Friday, May 18, 2012

Mr. Vampire (1995)

What if there were a movie where Hong Kong martial arts masters fought vampires?! And what if the vampires vamped people with their long, spine-like fingernails? And what if they were blind but could see your breath? And what if they hoped everywhere? Like a bunny. Yeah, they should definitely hop like a bunny. That would be awesome. Oh wait! That movie's already been made! It's called Mr. Vampire and it is awesome. So, react to it below. Start with the following but be sure to respond to each other comments as well:

- What do you like and dislike about the film? Why?

- What did the film help you understand about Hong Kong cinema and culture?

- Who would win in a fight: American vampires or Asian vampires? Why?


  1. hey, sup


    i liked the radddddical special effects. like when he put a spell on that coin dager thing he had, or when half of the ghost's face was gone and he rubbed his eyes with spinach or whatever that was.

    if i had to make an assumption about the hong kong people based on this film i would say that they seem like they want to very efficient. the reason i say this is because they shove a comedy in a drama. which makes me think that they don't have enough time or want to go one comedy movie and one drama movie.

    i would rather fight american vampires because edward cullen needs his ass beat. pardon my language.


    1. Made my day. ^

    2. I love your comment about people in Hong Kong being efficient because they put multiple genres into one. Love it!

    3. Oh, and I just found out there are at least two sequels to Mr. Vampire called "Mr. Vampire II" and "Mr. Vampire III". Look for them online.

  2. What isn't there to love about this movie? Hopping vampires, kung fu, and comedy thrown into the mix. And despite having a ridiculous premise, it does have an entertaining story. What's better than watching a horror movie, and then someone comes in and starts karate chopping vampires in the face? With absolutely no respect for the fact that he is, indeed, karate chopping vampires in the face. Then throw ghosts, and jerk rice sellers, that screw things up, into the pot and you've got a pretty big mountain for the main characters to climb. The only drawback from the movie is the unbelievably creepy idea that the one cop wants to marry his cousin.

    One thing I got from this film about chinese cinema, is that they are freaking insane over there. But in the best way possible. I also like how they don't have a distinction between horror and comedy. It probably makes it pretty hard to find a really good horror movie over there, but it's a good mine for great B-list films.

    Of course asian vampires would win. The main vampire from the movie was able to get inside their wall, house, and still fight off two kung fu masters, and cop, and an army of weaker vampires. And even then he just happened to get set on fire. All american vampires can do anymore in sparkle. If Edward went up against Mr. Vampire, he would be screwed! In fact, that's a pretty good movie idea.

    1. LOL!!!!! Thank you for the very amusing response. It was a pleasure to read! One interesting note about Hong Kong and B-list films: there are many B-list American films (especially independent ones) that don't do very well here (stuff you've probably never heard of) which then go to Asia and make a killing! There are American filmmakers who make a living on making odd-ball or cheesy movies (in English) that sell in Asia. It's weird.

    2. let's make that film. Edward against Mr. Vampire (after you're done with Assassin Plant of course).

    3. Edward vs. Mr. Vampire vs. Assassin Plant! Assassin Plant would kick all their butts.

    I have told everyone about it! Please tell me where I can find this movie because I can’t find it. But I need it.
    But anyways, yes, like I said I LOVED this movie. It was so freaking weird and stupid but I love it. I can watch it over, and over, and over, again and be completely content. The effects where AWESOME, like what the hell, who wouldn’t love those amazing effects. With the moon powered knife thing. And gosh, that make-up was just so cool!

    I decided I love Hong Kong cinema, French, American, and Hong Kong are probably my new favorites. They are so weird and cartoony in there movies and I like it, A lot. Seriously I have been freaking out about how much I like this movie to all my friends, and I want to show them all it sooo bad. But I feel like they might just think it’s weird. But it is weird, and great and amazing. I am so happy you showed us this.

    I think that the Asian ones would win any day. Because they are bad ass and don’t sparkle. The way that they hop is really scary. They can reach out and grab you instead of just having to bit you which is a lot harder to get away from. They also look creepier. And where the hell would you find all that crap to kill them with? The blood and ink stuff, and rice stuff. Yeah…. A lot harder to find than the sun! end of story

    Ummmmm thanks.

    1. You can buy Mr. Vampire via the internet:,mod=8&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8&q=mr.+vampire#q=buy+mr.+vampire&hl=en&prmd=imvns&source=univ&tbm=shop&tbo=u&sa=X&ei=Dgi9T5WiDIWbiAKV--DLDQ&ved=0CIIBEK0E&bav=on.2,or.r_gc.r_pw.,cf.osb&fp=8da497dc32be7c18&biw=981&bih=969

      And apparently it has two sequels which I've never seen. I gotta' check those out!

  4. The first fifteen minutes of Mr. Vampire, all I could was roll my eyes. REALLY? REALLY? WHAT IS THIS CHEESY, WEIRD FILM? I DONT UNDERSTAND WHAT IS GOING ON. *falls asleep* - *25 minutes later*

    Oh, woah, and intense fighting scene between a vampire and humans. Oh. Ohhhh. Ohhhhhh. HAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHAHA. *movie ends*

    That was my experience.

    Okay, but really. I didn't have the most open of minds when the film first began, it was probably because I was tired and grumpy and my first period teacher had ticked me off. All I wanted to do was curl up in bed and eat potstickers and listen to music and sleep and slee and sleep and sleep some more. But this movie really cheered up my day, actually.

    Mr. Vampire was SO far out there. It is the most unique film we have watched this entire trimester, and I loved it. It had me smiling and amused the entire time, I couldn't see what was happening next. I enjoyed the comical elements provided by the actors - and since recently becoming obsessed with Scent of a Woman a Korean film, I have much deeper appreciation for anything Asian film. I have noticed that their acting is very good, but it can be different, and much more dramatic than ours in a different kind of light; I like to think of it more as theater, or soap opera kind of acting. Everything is amazingly well acted, but it is so, so, dramatic it makes your head hurt. (But I like I'm not complaining. It's good stuff.)

    That's how a lot of the acting in Mr. Vampire appeared to me. But that is also what made it so fun. I also adored comparing the Vampires that us Americans know, versus these Hong Kong ones. They are called corpses, but sort of act like mummies or zombies. They also hop, which is so rad oh my gosh, coolest thing ever! Which makes them slightly less terrifying, but hey, once again, more amusing for me! Also the fact that you have to hold your breath to become "invisible" from the corpses was super creative, and you could freeze them by putting pieces of paper with some type of script (I'm assuming a prayer or chant?) on their forehead, which is also cool.

    I am being very stereo-typical here when I say that this film also strengthens my view on some Asian film - Hong Kong, Japanese, Korean, etc (of course, it's not ALL like this.) but the playful comedies can be super flashy and silly and very...extra terrestrial, different from ours. Whether it be costumes, acting (especially voice volume and facial expressions) or radical story ideas and actions that happen. It's all very weird. Hahah.

    Gosh. Depends on the kind of vampires. We have Twilight vampires, Romanian Vampires (original, the ones we usually see in movies that suck your blood and sleep and coffins and shit.) then these Hong Kong ones...

    1. Can I just say 90% of you guys haven't READ the Twilight books, you just diss on the movie because you can. (Which is understandable, they suck.) BUT, the vampires from the Twilight series are VERY different, they ARE original and have a fantasy like quality to them, which in my opinion is important when it comes to all things supernatural. They are immortal, they have an advantage to being able to be in daylight without bursting into flames, their flesh is freakishly hard, making it extremely hard to even break a damn finger, and some have other supernatural vampires. PLEASE tell me how the Hong Kong vamps could beat a Twilight one? Yes, the corpses ARE bad ass, but they're such pansies. It's not like the Twilight vampires BREATHE, or have BLOOD running through their veins or heart... soo....ya'll are locco. Read the books. Research. ;)

    But Dracula and his race on the other hand...well, let's put Edward and him together, we'll see what happens.

    1. Great response, Rose. Very fun to read. I agree about the plot being unpredictable. It's interesting how the movies switches protagonists from time to time and, half way in, the vamp vanishes almost entirely from the screen while we deal with all the business of the two apprentices dealing with their respective curses. It's interesting story structure but it works for me.

  5. *supernatural POWERS, not supernatural vampires... I don't know, sorry, it's late, I'm tired.
    **suck your blood and sleep IN coffins

  6. This film is just wonderful. Something i will definitely tell everyone about! I really wanted to show my sister and her friends but i can't find it anywhere! Where did you get it?

    I love how amazingly creative with the vampires, i would never had thought of something like that. A vampire that kills you with its fingernails, instead of sucking your blood with its teeth. Blue instead of white, and hopping instead of stalking, just brilliant!

    With the question who would win in a fight american vampires or Asian vampires... it depends on which vampires you're comparing them to. If you're comparing Dracula and the vampires in this movie i say Dracula would win. But it you're comparing The Cullen's to these vampires, i say the cullen's would win... because the Asian vampires would be blinded from their sparkling skin.

    1. I borrowed it from a friend. See my other responses to comments in this thread as to how to buy it.

  7. Wasn't there when you guys watched it and I'm really paying for it. After reading all your responses, it sounds like a really fun film. I am shamed at self now.

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.
