When we watched
Hero in class today, it was my second time seeing the film. The first time I watched it, I, of course, noticed all of the vivid use of color and had all kinds of thoughts about what each color might symbolize.
This time I watched the film, I noticed the shot choice and editing. In the first half of the film, during the flashbacks, the filmmakers frequently cross the line, use jump cuts, or present long stretches of action using only close-up's.
This makes these parts of the film feel very disorienting and sometimes even leaves the viewer feeling a little confused. During many of the moments when one character kills another, we don't even see it happen because the camera is stuck on the characters' faces or on a cut away. If the cinematography weren't so freaking amazing, I might assume that the filmmakers were amateurs and were making mistakes. In addition, these disorienting shots and edits were not used in the second half of the film's flashbacks (the sequences when the characters wore white). Also, the second half of the film featured wide shots where we clear saw characters deal each other the final blow. I am convinced that these unconventional shot choices and editing decisions were intentional. I have theories as to why they did this but I won't share those with you quite yet because I want to read your untainted opinions.
Please reply to this post with your response to the film. Your response needs to answer, in detail, at least two of the following questions:
- What did you make of the use of color in this film? What do you think the colors symbolize?
- Why do you think the filmmakers used such disorienting shot choice and editing in the flashbacks at the beginning of the film?
- Why did the Chinese government choose to finance this film? How does it advance their agenda?
- Write a theme statement for this film. Give at least three specific examples from the film that back up this theme statement.
- In what ways was the style of this film very different from the style of Hollywood cinema?
- What did you learn from the film about Chinese culture? What questions did the film raise about Chinese culture for you?
Also, bonus points for doing extra research about the film or about Chinese culture and including that research in your response.
And now, you may respond below.