Monday, January 7, 2013

Kikujiro (1999)

Davey is excited to hear what we all thought of Kikujiro. From his own words: "I was curious how they'd respond to it, because it's a crazy movie that's part super endearing, Chaplinesque road movie comedy-drama about an old guy and a kid and part wacky, experimental, meandering art film. I think it blew some minds, and I was happy that several kids stayed after the bell rang to catch the last minute or so of the movie (poor scheduling on my part, but those who left still got the ending--they didn't miss anything plotwise, just a couple of pretty shots and some music and that sort of thing)."
So, in the comments below, let Davey know what you thought of the film. Be sure to answer at least two of the following questions:

  • What is the theme of the film? Back up your statement with at least three examples.
  • Did you like or dislike the film? Why? (And I want a well articulated reason why that is at least three sentences long.)
  • What did you learn about Japanese culture by watching this film?
  • How would this film be different if it were made by Hollywood?


  1. hmmm...this movie was interesting. I would like to say I liked the growing relationship between the boy and the older man. I think the man thought the boy reminded him allot of himself as a child. I like how after he found out the situation with the boys mom he tried his best to make him feel better, he found ways to make him laugh even on the side of the road with not much of anything. I think he taught him a little of how to appreciate what he had when on there trip.

    I didn't like how it kind of dragged on to me, I felt it was very slow and took some time to figure out the moral of the story. also how the older man was quit rude, I thought part of there culture was to be respectful?

    i learned that in a Japanese culture they also have fairs and family events like we do here. i also thought it was cool that the little boy believed in the little angel bell to give him hope, witch i know most of us can relate to.

    1. Did you find the movie to be slow in its cutting or slow in terms of how long it took for action to happen or both?

    2. Also, good work being very detailed in your response here and writing more than required.

    3. i thought it took forever for some action to happen. haha

  2. What did I learn about Japanese culture?!?!? Well that they like gambling...? People have to work hard to get by. The landscape is beautiful. It's very slow paced. Like the culture? I'm not sure. I missed the last 45 minutes.

    If this film were Hollywood, they would've had more run-ins with the cops. The mom would've been dead. There'd be a manhunt for the boy. It would've been much faster paced.

    1. This is a little short, Justus, but I'll accept. Make sure the next ones are longer.

  3. The theme to this movie would have to be, everything happens for a reason. I felt like the little boy needed to go find his mom to realize, she's not all that great, and his life with his grandma wasn't as bad as he thought. He has someone who loves him, and thats all he needs. I absolutely loved this movie, I thought it was a great experience, and I loved the relationship between the little boy and the man he didn't even know. I liked how at first the man didn't seem like he cared much about the kid, or finding his mom, he seemed like all he cared about with the gambling, and trying to get money, but when him and the boy spent more time together, he seemed to like and care about the little boy more, and I agree with Courtney when she said the man seemed like he saw alot of himself in the little boy, and started to get closer to him, and try to protect him when they finally saw his mom.

  4. -Randi Ralston :3

    I think the theme of this movie would be, you don't need a typical mom/dad family to actually have a real family. The little boy went all that way just to find his mom, when in reality his family was right there beside him the whole time. The old man, that kind of hippie dude, and those biker guys. I can't remember their names, but those are the people that acted like his true family and actually stood by him. I liked how even though the old man was grumpy and kind of annoying, he still showed love towards the boy in the end.
    Tell Davey this movie was FANTASTIC, and he should definitely pick out more movies for us to watch :) I really liked the music and the story line in this movie and it's purpose, it made me really happy and feel like I should appreciate having a family of my own more. Not everyone has a mom or a dad, and not everyone has a family to come home to. This movie makes me glad to know that I'm lucky enough to have a loving family in my life. So, thank you Davey for having us watch this!! :)

  5. I think the theme of this film is friendship. When the movie first starts the boy is looking for a friend to spend summer break with. At the beginning of the movie he tries to go play with his friend but he leaves, and he tries to go find his mother for friendship. Then at the end of the movie he has 4 new friends. I loved this film, Davey. The experimental style and story line popped out to me. I feel like this is a movie that should have been very bad and cheese due to the story line. But it was so good. This movie made me feel like Japanesse culture isn't as family strong as I thought they were. And I realized personal relationships are more powerful than a labeled relationship.
    I really don't want to think about this movie being made in Hollywood because I know it'd be terrible. The boy finding his mother with another family would have been too dramatic. Everything would have been to dramatic and that would kill the whole film. It wouldn't have been as realistic and experimental and that makes me very sad. :(

    1. Yes, Hollywood would definitely ruin it.

  6. I don't think Hollywood would be able to create the same sort of pacing that this film had; nor do I think they'd be able to establish the connection between the kid and Kikujiro. (Also, I can't help but feel they'd find it necessary to save the reveal of Kikujiro's name until the end.) All the little events along the way wouldn't have as much focus, were Hollywood to have made it.

    I sincerely enjoyed this film. I've always been a fan of the sort of "Boy going on an adventure" type story, The Pagemaster comes to mind (though it and this film are very, very different.) I enjoy seeing how the young boy goes from disliking this man so much, to enjoying spending time and hanging out. The minor/supporting characters were a lot of fun too, it was sort of surreal how nice the two bikers were; however I can easily believe that a hippie artisian guy in a van would have no issues with hanging out with helping a kid cheer up.

  7. Ashton Bowers:

    The theme to this movie was to be a good friend because the kid didnt have a lot of friends to begin with, the only friend he has leaves so he tries to find his mom. the man that went with him to find his mom was mean at first but opened up to the kid, then there's the bikers and they all end up being friends in the end.

    i really liked this movie, it was funny the way the man treated everyone and tried to get what he wanted, and how he made the bikers do stupid things to entertain the kid. and i liked how it was also emotional with how the kid finds his mom with another family and the man makes him feel better and takes him back home.
