Friday, February 14, 2014

Castaway On the Moon (2009)

I hope you enjoyed this film which I sometimes describe as "Korean Tom Hanks in the City". JK. I really appreciated this film for its cinematography, humor, non-conventional storyline and characters, and serious yet whimsical tone. It really worked for me. I am curious to know how it worked for you. Please answer two of the following questions:

- What is the theme of this film? Explain.

- Did you enjoy this film or not? Explain.

- How would this film be different if it were made in the U.S.?

- What did you learn about Korean culture by watching the film? What questions about Korean culture did it raise?

- What was the dilemma of each of the two main characters? How did their dilemmas relate to each other? What is the filmmaking trying to say by putting these two dilemmas side-by-side?


  1. What i think the theme of this film is that living life may be easy, but life is hard. For example at first the main character felt that life wasn't worth living for anymore. However, later on during the film when he was stuck on the island that life wasn't that bad after all. It was quite simple and easy once he got the hang of it for example growing his own food and having the duck as shelter. Then the concept of life is hard comes back into play. When the typhoon or that natural disaster occurred in the area, all he had was all gone. He then realize that he realize that life is hard, but he decides to get back up with his friend that has been accompanying him during this life changing journey.

    Did i enjoy this film? Yes i did enjoy watch film. I haven't really watched much films from Korea, but this one i thought was great. I liked how at first it was focused on the main guy first but later on it also had this other character that comes into this story. The film also showed how each character changed. They change they went through was actually pretty big. For example the main guy went from a depressed person that doesn't want to live anymore to a guy who enjoyed life and eating noodles. Also the girl, who at first was a quiet girl that wasn't interested in the outside world to her talking to her mother and going outside more often.

  2. I just learned this but the bi-annual drills South Korea has is because it's to prepare in case North Korea attacks. Fun Fact.

    A few things I wonder is; are Koreans fascinated with feces? Just wonder because the films we've watched in this class are always poo-related. My next question was about the female lead actor, was that a birthmark or burn she had on her face?

    Well I believe if they were to do it in Hollywood, it would of most likely tried to make the island look clean, and how the US cares about the environment. This movie made it look like that the government (clean up crew) didn't know about the issue but after which when they find out, they come to clean (help) the problem.

    I enjoyed this film very much, but there were a lot of times where I'd get lost in the uncommon story. When they introduced the female lead to the story, I thought that the filmmakers were going to introduce a few more characters with their own story line. This movie also had so much symbolic essence to film as well. How the black bean noodles represented the times he wasted his time with civilization. Instead of enjoying life and being his own man, he simply grew up without having dreams. When the bean mix was found and the realization of bird crap having seeds, it gave him a purpose to live and work for something he enjoys.

    There was a lot of product placement I noticed in the film. To name a few: the Noodle Company, Coke-a-cola glass bottles, SONY, etc. Which ones did you notice?

  3. Ashton Bowers

    I don't know what I would say as a theme but I think this film shows us how society is hurting the innovation of normal people, and kind of making life hard for them. it starts off with the protagonist being in debt and wants to end his life, while the girl hides in her room, I'm thinking because society doesn't except the mark on her face but it could also be because of other problems she had in her life. so she creates these fake lives over the internet on social sites that are acceptable until they are figured out to be fake. but both characters lives become better when they forget about city life. the male protagonist get's his innovation back when he wants to create the black noodles and refuses to accept the ones that the girl sent, he had to make them himself to be happy because they were his hope in life, and the girl learned more about life through him and faces her fears of the outside world to meet him.

    what I really liked about this film was the characters and what they did. I like stories about people who have problems but are able to overcome them, they don't give into what they should do and they choose to do what they want to do, and they helped each other out on the way. even though the guy got mad at the girl for not telling him who she was, which I thought he overreacted but he had everything torn away from him, even I was mad when his duck-boat-house washed away.

  4. I really did enjoy this film, but honestly i think i say that about every film josh shows us haha :). Any way what i really liked most about it was just the story as a whole. The idea of this man being trapped on this island and this girl communicating with him through messages in bottles and him spelling things out in the sand. I found it rather funny and cute. Just the way that the connecting by doing that i liked the idea of.
    Well the dilemma of the man is that he was physically trapped on this island but he didn't really want to leave anyway. And the dilemma for the girl was that she was too afraid to leave her house, until she talked to that man of course. but she was in a way trapped but she didn't really want to leave either. I liked that how they showed it side by side, and i think that the reason it was so entertaining and the reason the filmmakers did that was because it really showed that they were going through very similar things but at the same time they were almost opposite situations.

    1. Yes.... Yes you do say that almost every time. But there isn't anything wrong with that and I think it'd hurt Josh's feelings if you didn't. I didn't think of the dilemma that way, how which is harder to overcome in the end, Physically or Mentally leaving?

    2. Haha yeah it probably would. Anyway in what way did you see the dilemma as then? And for the girl it clearly was a mental thing about leaving where as the man it was both but i would go more to saying that it was a mental thing.

  5. Castaway on the Moon, now this film is definitely a gem, it's so good! I enjoyed this film very much, in fact I'd recommend it to anyone interested in foreign drama or drama in general. One warning I would definitely give to anyone who wants to watch the film, is don't watch the trailers, in fact don't watch trailers at all. They either give false impressions of the film or give away some key plot-lines and/or twists. The trailer to Castaway on the Moon did the former of the two, and gave false impressions of the film. The trailer makes the film look almost like a sappy romantic comedy about a man trapped on an island, with only the company of a teenage girl fat away in her apartment. The actual film is nothing like this. Castaway on the Moon is about a man building his own life back together, while also unknowingly helping a hardcore hermit build HER life back together. Also did I mention that the film has excellent cinematography and writing? Because it does.
    I think that is the theme of this film, which is that even if/though we have almost no friends, friends and communication are some of the most important aspects of social life. Without someone to share our troubles, wins, and losses with, what's the point? When we have no connection with anyone or anything, that is the point when there is truly nothing to live for. In Castaway on the Moon, the two protagonists connected to each other, struggled together, even though they were so far apart.
    Though there was one other person that the male protagonist connected to, and that was the can, who of course later became the scarecrow. He was one of my favorite characters in the move.
