Friday, February 21, 2014

Opal Dream (2006)

This blog post will be a little different than some of the others because it is going to require some reading. I found this cool study guide for the film published by the San Francisco Film Society. It has lots of background info on the film, the actors, and the filmmakers as well as questions to help you think about the film in new ways.

So, for this post, I want you to open up the study guide. Start by skimming through the entire thing to get a sense of what all is in there. Then, focus in and read one, two, or maybe even three sections that appeal to you (or just read the whole thing) then answer all of the following questions:

  • What did you learn from the study guide that helped you appreciate this film more? Explain? How did the study guide help you think about the film in new ways?
  • What did you learn from the film, from the study guide, or from extra research you've done in connection with the film about Australia? Why is this knowledge valuable?


  1. After reading the study guide, i learned that the girl who played Kellyanne in this film didn't really had any acting experierence. Which i found pretty interesting how they gave her the role instead of someone who had some expereince in acting. This made me appreiate this film more knowing that she tried hard acting in a film like this, especially when you have a sugnificant role. I also learned that the actor for Ashmol had some acting experince which i can see from how he did in this film, he did a good job as well. This helped me thing about this film in a new way by thinking about connections you have with a film. If you find connections with you and the story you will have a stronger bond.
    The study guide did have some interesting information about Austrialia like how its the driest habital continent in the wolrd. It is also common for mining oppa in Australia which was part of the film since the Dad was so determined to find some. Things like these are valuable to maybe to make a better understanding, like if you didn't know anything about Austraila and you wonder what exactly is Oppa or why is mining such a significance is pretty good to know.

  2. I agree on how the film gives off the essence of being a children's movie, but also allows adults to enjoy it as well, other films that remind of this essence is Holes (2003) and Hoot (2006). The actress that played Kellyanne (Sapphire Boyce) is a real down-to-earth girl, she grew up in a town just like the one she starred in so at least she could give off the home-town persona well.
    The father (Vince Colosimo) is also a well-known Australian actor, and of course the US has came and took him away. And the wife (Jacqueline McKenzie) too, well to a TV-standard.

    I learned that mining is just as hard as everybody else says it is, and if your lucky by licking for rocks you'll find a opal or two. Majority of the people who live in Australia live along the coastal areas, but there are a few cities within the mainland that have underwater caving systems and so that's how majority of the people get their water. Also that the worlds larget farm is located in South Australia, with over 6 million acres to back up that fact.
