Thursday, December 13, 2012

Extra Credit

So, you think you deserve extra credit?!

Well then, you better watch a film from another country above and beyond what is required in class and then write about it in a comment below.

And when you write about it, you gotta' answer at least two of the following questions:

- What is the theme of the film of the film? Back up your opinion with three examples.

- What did you learn from the film that helps you understand the culture of the country in which it was made?

- After watching the film, what questions do you have about the culture of the country in which it was made? (I'll give you even more extra credit if you do research, find answers to those questions, and report on it in your post.)

- What did you notice about how the film uses color? What do the colors symbolize?


  1. Tayia Groesbeck-
    We watched the short films in class and we get extra credit to write a blog post so I'm doing one. I think the theme of the movie is you shouldn't try to be with someone that's in a relationship because you could get hurt. The first reason is the girl was married and the missionary really liked her and she ended up telling him that they needed to stop and he was hurt by that. Then he went to her house to talk to the husband because the lady wasn't home but then she came home and found out the girl was pregnant and knew it was his baby so he was hurt again. The guy was spying on the girl because he missed her and wanted to be with her so he was upset.

    What I noticed about the color was when he told the pastor and everyone in the church that the lady was committing adulatory the lighting is all black in the back and the guy is really white so it makes him look sick and makes the moment seem like a lot of problems are going on.

    1. Good insight about the color creating a sickly feel. I agree with your theme but does feel a bit more like a moral than a theme. A theme is an objective statement about the idea of the film whereas a moral is something you teach to someone. Beginning your theme statement with "you shouldn't" makes it feel more like a moral.

  2. i watched the imaginarium of doctor parnassus. i think the theme of this movie was that everything comes with a consequence. first reason would be because the first bet he made with the devil, he fell in love but at the price of giving up his daughter at the age of 16. second reason would be when he didnt tell his daughter before her birthday and she found out on the day she felt betrayed and just a worthless bet, and really upset with her father. my third reason would be that if you lie to your new friends and they find out about your bad past, they will be very mad at you and when you try to forget about it in the imaginary world it comes back to bite you in the butt. i thought it was a very cool movie but i thought it could've had more Johnny Depp time.

    1. Courtney: extra credit for you.

  3. So I just figured out Juno is a foreign film and got super excited. So I'm going to get some extra credit!!!
    Juno is one of my favorite all time films and I quote it all the time. The theme of Juno is ,simply, truth. Juno is lying to herself about life and ends up making herself disappointed. Juno thinks she can lie to herself about being pregnant and finally when she comes to terms with her ego being pego, she starts the journey of truth and begins to stop lying. Then she decides not to get an abortion. She knows she can't continue lying about her pregnancy and that it's unfair to take life away from a child that can be saved. And not end up like her. She tells her parents what she's going to do and tells the father of the child she's giving the baby up for adoption. The real strong moment of truth in the movie is when the adoptive father decides only days before the baby is born that he doesn't want to be a father. So him and his wife separate. Juno has a conflict of her childhood not being sure if she wants to give the baby to a broken family. She finally has to face the truth of her life and realizes that her family isn't broken. And the baby will be better with the adoptive mother.
    What the film Juno really taught me about all cultures is that you can't cheat big decisions. And that everyone deserves the chance for a better life. But the only way to a better life is to be truthful. Sorry this isn't written very well. Juno is one of those movies better explained verbally.
