Wednesday, March 12, 2014

HAROLD LLOYD in Safety Last (1923)

I love this movie, with all my heart.

But, I want to know what you thought.  This is the first full-length movie we've seen together in this class, and it was entirely silent and black and white.  So, what was that experience like for you?  Have you seen many black and white or silent films before?

This film has inspired so many others.  It really has left its mark on the cinematic conscious of the past century.  Often imitated in loving admiration, many films throw in references from this movie, especially the "clock hanging scene".  Do you think it deserves the love and admiration it receives?

In a good, thoughtful paragraph or two, let us know these answers, and let us know if you liked the movie?   Why or why not?  And, would you recommend this movie to other people?  Often, hearing a movie is "silent" turns off many people.  How would you convince someone who has never seen a silent film to give it a chance?


  1. When I watch black and white movies with no sound, I look past that and really enjoy the film like I would any other.Yes I have watched quite a few black and white movies, not many silents though.Yeah as it was one of the first of it's kind I think this movie should be referenced through all time and eternity!

    1. Cool! I love hearing about your openness to silent films, and I'm so glad you are awesome and watch black & white films without any problems. Good response my friend. Sweet! So, did you like this movie, specifically? What'd you think about it?

    2. Go a little more detail into that, and you'll get full points. You are a good man!

  2. Watching Safety Last didn't have any strange or new effect on me. I've seen many silent black and white films before so I'm used to it. I watch them on a pretty regular basis.

    I do believe that this film deserves the love and admiration it receives, it's kind of a good movie. I liked the movie but I don't think it's super amazing. I believe that the clock scene carries the entire film, it almost completely disregards the rest of the story. He climbed the building and got the money he needed. That's great, but that doesn't totally fix the issue with his girlfriend in the first place. She still thinks that he's the boss of the place. He could tell her, but that would destroy the purpose of the whole first half.

    That being said, I would recommend this film to others, it's worth a watch at least one time. Get it? Watch, time, he hangs from a clock. That was a joke.

  3. I really enjoyed the film. It sure wasn't my first time watching a silent film but this experience was different then the others I really enjoyed watching it this time the other times I was all "Eh" but in my defense it certainly has been a long time since i have watched a silent film. But I think it was the very first time I thoroughly enjoyed myself it felt fresh and new compared to the films we see today and even though the films age it felt original. And the tower scene even though I knew he would live I still was terrified that he would fall. It was so great.

  4. I've never seen a silent black and white film before this class so this was a fantastic new opportunity for me. It was a wonderful experience and made me want to watch more silent black and white films.

    I think it does deserves the love and admiration it gets, it's a funny and a great film. It sort of made me anxious when Harold Lloyd was climbing up the wall but it was still pretty awesome.

    I would also recommend this move to others.

  5. Cameron Olsen . . . Safety Last!

    Answering paragraph 2: The experience, to me, was a great one. I have seen incredible amounts of black and white films before, but before this week I had probably seen only around 4 other feature length silent films. The only one memorable enough for me to know it by name being Buster Keaton's The General.

    Answering paragraph 3: I do think it deserves the love and admiration it receives. Explanation: In paragraph 4's answers. (to explain this answer would be the same thing as to explain why I love the film, which is in the next paragraph)

    Answering paragraph 4: I really loved this film, Safety Last. I thought it was pretty hilarious. It had me laughing a lot more than I expected I would, and I also really liked the suspense, hilarity, and iconic-ness of when he was climbing the building. It is my personal favorite of the three Harold Lloyd films we watched and possibly my favorite silent film altogether. Like of every silent film I've ever seen. I would most definitely recommend this film to other people. To convince someone who has never seen a silent film to see this: I would simply explain to them how darn funny this film was.

    That is all...

  6. What a good film to start the history. At first (I don't watch a lot of silent films) I thought it would be a decent okay movie. I was actually surprised how not only how good it is but how great it is. The first half of the movie is okay I didn't really get why Harold had to get to the bus and I didn't absolutely get what his wife wanted. To me it mostly picks up when the Wife mistaken him as the manager it got interesting and very funny. The climax was brilliant I don't know if it's the first but it is one of the most suspenseful climax from the 1920's era.

    The actors were great what I love about the silent film comedies I love when there's no sound but they act with their emotion it makes it very funny and very believable. Harold Lyod was great, Mildred Davis very good as the sweet wife, and my favorite The Police officer he was the funniest moment of the whole movie.

    It is a great memorable classic from Harold Loyd what a good actor, great comedy, and one of the best Climax of the movie. It will be memorable silent film I'm glad I saw it.

  7. i thought this movie was awesome for the story was about a guy that wanted to impress a girl which alot of people can relate to and that alot of things go wrong and he trys even when he job is in danger trys to impress a girl which is interesting and the moments of hes jokes were vary good Harold Lloyd yet again is awesome and i think every one should watch it once ad the sapience at the end was the best i have seen in a while even tho this is a older movie and the fact he tried to get money by having hes friend climb a blinding which is just awesome but in the end he had t so my final thought is this movie is great ~ yami gaia

  8. This was the first silent movie that I've seen from what I know. I liked the experience, it was nice being able to go back in time and watching this film. It was definitely different but it wasn't hard to get use to and to focus on. what I thought about this movie was that it was pretty good, had its funny moments and was cool. I liked the story, how his girl thought that he had a good job in the city even though he really didn't.

    Yes, I liked the film, it was a good classic, I enjoyed the humor in it, how him and his friend were messing with the cop and then a different one went where he was. They thought it was the same cop and tripped him and then he chased his friend and he literally climbed a building to get away from him. I thought it cool and clever. The scenes when he was working at the store were funny. The coolest part of the movie was when Harold climbed the clothes building that his friend was suppose to. It was somewhat scary to watch but really entertaining. The famous clock scene was a joy to witness. Great movie.

  9. I have mixed feelings on the attention this movie gets. I really respect what it started and think it's a great movie, but I think that it felt like the first half was over shadowed by the final climax that the rest of it wasn't that important to the film.

    I really enjoyed it, I thought it was hilarious, the physical humor was spot on, the first chase with the cop had great show don't tell, and the climb up the building was scary yet funny, i really felt the intensity of that scene.

  10. I really enjoy this movie but it is actually my least favorite Harold Lloyd. It was just extremely hard to follow along. I mean it definitely had its moments but honestly i felt like it kind of just dragged on with very minimal things happening until the climax where everything happened at once and it was a tad bit overwhelming. I still really enjoyed the film and I would definitely recommend it to people because it has a huge importance on films and helped paved the way for many of the films today. The movie is still really great and is able to go to the simplest form of comedy that everyone enjoys so it won't be hard to convince people know to watch it. You would just have to tell them that since there is no dialogue it can become hard to follow but once you follow it you fall in love.

  11. This comment has been removed by the author.

  12. I enjoyed this film , it wasn't just about being good to his girlfriend he's as proving to her that he was dedicated. He may have lied about what he was doing to her but he didn't want to hurt her because he has so much passion for her, he loved her a lot , and he wanted to show that, he worked hard all the time he could just so he could give her everything she wanted and she didn't question why he did it , He did it all because he loved her and she knew that. I didn't see Harold lloyd until i watched this, because this was the first silent i've ever seen so i loved it , after i watch more i may have a different opinion but i loved it. (Megan Hardman)

  13. I enjoyed this film. It was very good, even for being black and white and silent.
    I have seen about two or three other black and white movies, but they had sound.
    I think this movie definitely deserves all the love and admiration it gets because it is an amazing movie. I recommend this movie to anyone and everyone and I think they should give it a chance, because it is amazing.

  14. In the film Safety last, Harold Loyd (an actor made famous by his amazing stunts) played a kind, nerdy man. He is trying to become big so that his girlfriend would marry him, by moving to the city. He gets a job in a fabric store cutting and selling fabric. In one of the events that led to the climax of the movie. Harold was writing to his girlfriend when he got trapped in a towel truck. To avoid becoming late to work, Harold pulled a series of stunts to make it to work on time, and not get caught by his boss. this scene was one of many ways that Harold Loyd showed hid style of acting.
    another way that Harold showed his style of acting, was in the climax scene where he was scaling the building.

    My favorite part of the movie was when he was scaling the building. I loved how you are kept on your toes by how He kept getting close to falling off of the building. it kept you rooting for him to not die. i also enjoyed how his friend kept telling him "go one more floor up while i ditch the cop" making him think that he only had a little bit to go when in reality he had to do the whole thing. I found that hilarious.
    What I did not like about the movie was the girl would only marry him if he was rich. I understand that in that time period it was expected that the man had money for them to live comfortably, but for her to refuse to marry him until then was cruel.

    Over all I thought hat this was a thrilling movie full of excitement and laughter. I would definitely recommend this movie.
