Wednesday, March 19, 2014

BUSTER KEATON in Seven Chances (1925)

Welcome to Buster Keaton week!  I love this man.  I hope you've enjoyed the shorts we've been able to watch, and this, your feature: SEVEN CHANCES.

Keaton was more than an actor.  He also wrote and directed his films.  When we talk about Buster Keaton, we're talking about a filmmaker - which is cool.  Inventive and passionate about the craft, Mr. Keaton put his entire heart into his films.

Let's talk about this film.  What did you notice about Keaton that makes him stand apart from Lloyd.  How was his comedy different?  How was his comedy similar?

Did you like this movie?  Why or why not?

*Genre folks: what is unique about Buster Keaton's comedic style?  Anything you see from this style that you'd like to apply to your own scripts?  If so, what?

And always remember, putting an ad in the paper to find your spouse is never a good idea... it will inevitably result in this:


  1. I, for one, love this movie. I've seen it about 3 or 4 times now, and I never get tired of it. I like him more than Lloyd, I'm sure I've said this before. His comedy is way more slapstick than Lloyd's. Lloyd often uses title cards for his jokes while Keaton uses physical comedy. I think this movie is hilarious.

  2. i thought this movie was good for how different of a movie it is.cuz most movies don't have a story for a person needing to get married at a time for $ cuz of there grandpas will. i thought the stuns in this movie was great and more people should watch it. cuz you don't see this type of story anymore. ~yamigaia (jesse miller)

  3. You never see even close to a smile come to Mr. Keaton's face. But his films are some of the most comedic i've seen! He was quite a bit different than Harold Lloyd but I really didn't notice it as much. Keaton's films were way more physical and there was a lot more running and falling and getting destroyed and hanging off cliffs!

    However the biggest similarity is that they are always trying to get the girl. That is the most obvious similarity, and they have similar ways of trying to make their attempts look absolutely ridiculous!

  4. Some of the things that I noticed about Buster Keaton that makes him about from Harold Lloyd is that Buster has a deadpan expression. In his movies he always has this expression, it makes him seem very serious, apart from Lloyd, which he's very goofy and smiley. Buster is also pretty short compared to Lloyd, I believe he's about 5 feet and 5 inches. He's comedy from what I know was a bit different. It kinda had more of a story to it and such.

    Buster was also his own stunt man which I find to be quite cool indeed. I'm not too sure if Harold Lloyd did all his own stunts though. A similar thing about the movies was that obviously they would be trying to get the girl but there would be complications. The thing about Buster is that he would always be at the wrong place at the wrong time. But yes, I think that some of the comedy is somewhat alike in some ways. Yes, I liked that movie, I thought it was pretty good. I liked it because I thought the story was good and clever, pretty original.

  5. This is one of the first Buster Keaton movies I ever seen and I'm glad it's my first. What I love about this movie is the story it was well written and very clever with the jokes. The jokes just fits in the story most comedies will have good jokes but then there some that just makes me go was that pointless? But it really fits well with the story. I loved the climax at the end it was the best part of the movie but I also find it a bit too long like it could've stop at the scene where buster leaves the construction site.
    The slapstick was great, the actors are great, The climax is great,and this movie is great.

  6. Cameron Olsen . . . Buster Keaton's Seven Chances

    What mainly makes Keaton and Lloyd's comedy styles, and films altogether, different are the characters that they portray in all of them. Lloyd's characters are always nerdy optimists, making the majority of his jokes and films about the troubles that he has with girls and bullies while still keeping this optimism. Keaton's characters are always very serious men who are, for some reason, always in the wrong place at the wrong time, making most of his jokes and films about him getting hurt or being thrown around while trying to get what he wants, which is usually a girl. Keaton's films seem to be a lot more physical than Lloyd's, as physical the humor of Lloyd's films still may be. As pointed out before in class, Keaton also has a lot bigger of a focus on machines and contraptions of sorts. Their comedic styles are similar, though, in that they mainly consist of slapstick.

    I did like this movie, Seven Chances. I really thought it had an interesting story and funny jokes. I especially liked the scenes where he was being chased by the brides and the rock avalanche scene. I suppose that's all I need to say.

  7. I liked this movie, the difference between Harold Lloyd and Buster Keaton I think is; Buster Keaton characters are more serious and he does more physical humor than Lloyd does.

    I already have a script forming in my head and I want to add Buster Keaton style to it. Where he gets hurt but he stands back up and brushes it off like nothing even happened. I think that's what made this film funny.


  8. I really enjoyed the film, I didn't like as much a I like most of Harold Lloyd films, but I still enjoyed it. I thought that the story was on of a kind, and that it was very creative and funny, it's just that buster Keaton sometimes doesn't have as much charm as Harold Lloyd does, due to Harold's often relatable characters.
    his comedic style is superb though. He often gets put in crazy and dangerous situations and just brushes it of like if they were just a minor annoyance. I think he is a pioneer in slapstick comedy. But, his type of comedy just isn't for me when it comes to writing it, I like more of a light, quirky comedy, like Harold Lloyd.


  9. I didn't really enjoy this movie. I didn't find it to be funny until the end when the women are actually chasing him and he gets to his wedding and all that. I thought it was kinda boring and couldn't follow it all too well.
    ~Brennan Hanks

  10. I liked this movie, It's a great movie. It was pretty funny. It was pretty funny seeing all those ladies in wedding dresses chasing Keaton down the street.

    - Not Manbear's cousin
    **shortest blog post ever**
